Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy 10th Birthday Chandler

Today my oldest son Chandler turns 10. I am so proud of him. He has been a wonderful blessing in my life. He is doing great in school, and is a big help around the house. Chandler is in the 4th grade, he is in the grifted program here they call EXPLO, and doing tremendously. I will go more into that on another post. He is doing well in cub scouts. He enjoys playing basketball and vidoe games. He loves to put together his bionicles, transformers, and bakugan are his favorite toys.

Chandler you were born on Jan 28, which happens to be my birthday too. I was so excited to be your mom, and I couldn't wait for you to get here. You are great with your brothers, and you help me out when I ask, thank you.

Chandler I want you to know that I love you and am so glad to have you as a son. You are a great example to me, and to your brothers. You are growing up into a nice young man. I love you always, mom :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a really nice slide show you made. ALl the pictures were cute! I love the picture of Chandler holding new born Hayden. Chandler looks so proud and Hayden looks like a doll!
