Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday OWEN!

Today, ok yesterday because now it's past midnight was Owen's birthday. I have been trying to put this slideshow together most of the evening. Owen turned 7 years old. He is such a wonderful blessing in my life. I am so glad he chose our family to become a part of. I can't believe it has been 7 years since he was born. They grow so fast. It is just amazing. He is now in first grade, and absolutely loving every minute of it. He was sad that they were out of school for Labor Day. He wants to be there doing everything and learning new stuff. I am so proud of him. He won an award at school on Friday, and I haven't blogged that yet, sorry. I wanted to get his birthday stuff on here first. Owen is very outgoing, and loves to be outside playing with Chico our dog, or kicking the soccer ball. He is very thoughtful, and always wants to get and do things for others also. I want Owen to know how much I love him, and am proud to be his mom. I love you Owen!!!

Love, Mom

I couldn't get the slideshow to upload so I'll have to try again in the morning. It is almost 1 am, I need to get to bed. My alarm is going to go off at 5:55 am, and I'm not going to want to get up.

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