Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sometimes you Gotta Let Them Get WET!

We had some really bad rain storms here over the last few days. Our backyard was flooded, and so I let the boys go out and jump around in the big puddles.Chandler didn't want to, but Owen and Hayden did. I think Hayden had the most fun, but Owen enjoyed it too. I had fun taking pictures and watching them run through the water and the rain from my umbrella. After the rain was gone Hayden wanted to go out to the shop, and when we did he jumped in them some more. He is truly one who likes to get DIRTY! Sometimes you gotta let them get wet, and enjoy themselves. We sure did.


Linda and Dave Browne said...

And the best part...your boys will always remember how cool you were to let them! Personally, I love a good puddle myself. :-)

Jenn said...

Hey Amy! I found your blog through the Browne's who found mine through Stefanie's! This whole blogging world is so cool! It looks like the boys had a great time! I need to be more carefree with the girls sometimes! What happy memories you are creating! Love you! Jenn (Mitchell)