Chandler and Owen were enjoying Shrek before they go to bed. They were ready to get inside as soon as I got the tent up. And I am now realizing that we may have a 4 person tent, but with 2 kids that don't sleep in the same position (Hayden and Owen), I think I will be investing in a bigger one, SOON! :) I had Chandler and Owen at the biggest part and then I laid across the tent down by their feet and put Hayden in the smaller extra area next to me. Well, Hayden wanted to be right up under me, and Owen kept turning and moving closer to me. It was crazy, and it was a little warm outside, so I wasn't where I wanted to have two kids touching me all night. So the first night wasn't so great for me. Plus, I didn't have an air mattress just an egg crate topper and some blankets, and the ground was good and hard. I think I'll have to get an air mattress too.
Anyway, once the temp. started to go down a little it was pretty comfortable. We woke up the next morning pretty much as soon as light was coming into the tent. I brought stuff to make pancakes, so I started getting that ready while the kids were starting to wake up in the tent.Chandler was watching the pancakes for me. He was so hungry, they could not cook fast enough so he could eat them. I usually make waffles, so I made these instead, and they were really good. I think I might make these more often now.
Good morning boys, now their belly's are full, so we can get ready to go to the beach! YEAH!!!
Unfortunately the trip to the beach took a little bit longer than planned. Next time I will find out what time the parade is, so that I can get off the bridge before they close the road onto the island. I don't undersdand how someone could close the only road onto an island for a parade. And apparently I wasn't the only one, a lot of the people that sat on the end of the bridge for 30 minutes along with us weren't very happy either. The guy in front of me actually passed everyone on the other side of the road to get up to his destination. I was not that crazy. And also, I had seen police cars, and an ambulance pass by, so I thought there may have been an accident. So we waited, and waited...of course after being in the car for an hour the boys wanted to get out, and they were hungry. And seeing the ocean and a beach out the window really made Hayden want to get out and go swimming. I took these on the way out of the park. I always see the big panoramic of this beach in the picture stores in the mall, and I knew I could take one kind of like it, so this is mine. I think that will look good blown up an hung on my wall either in my bedroom or in my beach decor bathroom along with my sunset one. When I walked up to the edge of the beach to take the bottom shot, I think the Someone made the waves start to come in, so that I could get a good shot. Becauase before I walked up there weren't very many waves. But as soon as I started to take pictures the waves started to roll in. It was so beautiful, and this beach was deserted except for two fisherman about 25 yards away from me.
We finally made it after waiting 30 minutes for the parade route to clear. At first there weren't very many people at the beach, but later on it got a little full. It still wasn't as bad as I thought, maybe because we went to the second set of pavillions, most people stop at the first. So we picked a spot and laid out the blanket and our stuff, and in we went. Hayden didn't get too close to the water without me, but Chandler and Owen got into the ocean and played happily for a few hours. Hayden let me take him out into the water till he couldn't touch, but I don't have any pictures of that because I was nervous about letting Chandler take pictures with my expensive camera near the water. I did let Chandler take one of me holding some fish, but that was the only one.
I put this collage together on powerpoint today so that I could get more pictures on here. I think it will look good printed out as an 8x10, but here it's a little small to see the cool detail in the pictures.
The boys enjoyed running in the surf along the edge of the water. They had so much fun playing around and goofing off. Squirting water guns, pouring buckets of water on each other, making sand castles and we sat and dug in the sand to find the really small shells that were still living. i don't know how to explain it, I don't know if they were clams or what, but they would dig back in the sand in our hands it was cool.
Owen, Chandler and Hayden posing nicely for me on the beach. They were still just long enough to take this nice shot of the three of them. Man, they are growing up fast, it is so hard to believe they are 9, 6 and 3.
Owen enjoying the waves coming up to him.
I loved your 4th of July post! Looks like an awesome weekend. I know its hard work to plan and carry out so many activities but that makes it more worth it don't you think?
Love ya
i love the pictures. (i'm a blog comment slacker so pardon the fact that i haven't commented!) what fun. I can't wait to get ethan out camping. we're thinking when he's 3 should be perfect to get started. :) it was great seeing you yesterday. if you ever need anything give me a call and let me know what you think of eclipse!
It looks like you had a wonderful trip. I'm thrilled that you got the chance to escape and just enjoy some play time with your boys! Yeah, I kind of agree with the person who chewed you out for going alone, but I understand your perspective too. I just know that the Lord is watching over you and your boys. :-)
We need to go camping again sometime ourselves. We used to go all the time, but we've become whimps--we hate the heat and humidity. LOL!!
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