Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wonderful Recipe Wednesday

Chicken and Cream Cheese Crescents

Today's recipe I just made for lunch. I had these just on Sunday from one of my new friends I met while I was away on my beach weekend. (YES, the pictures will be up as soon as I'm done with this post). This recipe is so simple, and so good. It had to be my next Wednesday recipe. I was thinking the other day, since I take the pictures on this blue plate, I should have named my recipe posts, the blue plate special. Oh well, it's the Wednesday Recipe instead. ;)

Chicken & Cream Cheese Crescents
by Rhonda Wolverton

1 can, 13 oz. White chicken, (or use can use leftover)
1 package 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 containers refrigerated crescent rolls
1 cup cheddar cheese-more or less

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Open the can of chicken put in a mixing bowl, soften the cream cheese just about a minute in the microwave add to the chicken and mix well. Spray baking sheet with non-stick spray. Open the crescent rolls and put about a tablespoon of chicken mixture on the crescent, roll it up and place on the baking sheet. Do the rest until all mixture is used and all rolls are filled. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until browned on top. I had to go a little extra time, I think my oven is off a bit. Then add cheese to melt while getting it plated up.

These were so good, I didn't even put salt or pepper on them, they were good just like they were. I hope you enjoy. We had a salad with them on Sunday, and it was great.
Bon Appetite!


Jen said...

This is great. I'm always in need of something new and fast. Thanks for sharing.
Who says you can't change the name of your post to 'Blue plate Special'?

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Oooh, those look yummy. Cheese makes everything better!

Thanks for stopping by on my BATW day. Your three boys in the banner crack me up. I have one boy, and he is a hoot. I love that free and unfettered joy kids have!

Anonymous said...

Those look delicious! I'll have to try them when my husband's out of town since he doesn't like cream cheese! Thanks for this recipe!

Linda and Dave Browne said...

Yum! Another one I need to try.

I lost all of my recipes stored on my crashed hard drive. It makes me sad, but I'm already picking up yummy new ones!