Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SITS blog-a-thon

SITS-Blog-a-thon. I want to be a part of this too. This blog-a-thon is to make everyone aware of this cool blogsite: thesecretisinthesauce.blogspot.com
I learned of this really cool blogsite a few months ago. And I don't get to go much, but if you've never been there, go check it out. These ladies are amazing. There's contests prizes, games, and tons of blogs and friends to meet and greet. I really like the site, and their colors are AWESOME with the pink and brown and animal print.
I've met some really neat people from SITS. 5 of my friends are:

1. Debbie who is also at BATW where I hang out, and fly to lost of different destinations. A great way to meet new bloggy friends also.
2. KatyLin a really fun gal. That I have enjoyed getting to know.
3. Kim at It's a Plunderful life, because she talks about being a single mom, and has helped me during my new experiences as that.
4. Amy my newest friend-she's in Georgia too. She just did a freebie post, and that is soo me.
5. Veggie Mom, a cool place to get popr's and a way to get your kids to eat their veggies.

Go check them out. These gals have really the mostess.


Mom said...

Happy SITSathon!

KL said...

Cute blog! -fellow sitsa

Finding Normal said...

Happy SITS Day! Love the pumpkins!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Rocken Fun Blog happy Blogthon!!!

Decor To Adore said...

I am not doing a SITS post today as I am celebrating my 100th post. I would love it if you would please stop by and enter my giveaway.

FROGGITY! said...

happy SITS day!

Kori said...

Those are some super cute fellas you got there. guess I'm a little partial to boys with two of my own.

Happy Blogathon Day from one SITSta to another!

black betty said...

happy blog-a-thon!

Debbie said...

Hi Amy Kay! I haven't forgotten about the random things about me post! Thanks so much for linking me! I hope you are having a great blogathaon day!

Meaghan said...

Loving your boys faces, priceless!


Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! Hope your having a great blogathon day! Love the pic of the ice cream dripping! And how fun--3 boys!

Tiffany said...

SITS rocks! Love your pumpkin bloggy design.

Kelsey said...

It's soo great to find other people on here who have been nannies or are now in the childcare profession, and you're both!

I love being a nanny. I've been at it since A was 16 months old and now she's 3.5! It still amazes me that just a couple of months ago she was still in diapers!

Thanks for stopping by, I love your pumpkins!! I'll be adding you to my blogroll for sure!

Lorie said...

Looks like some fun blogs! Off to check them out!

(PS I love your pumpkin background!!)

Kristan said...

Happy Blogathon to you too! I would like to have a boy someday!! Maybe you can send some mojo my way!! My mother in law has NO grandsons!!! Talk about pressure!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Such a cool blog background!

Happy Bloggython Day, SITSta! How fun is this? Woo hoo!

Linda and Dave Browne said...

I found this blog awhile back and it is definitely fun. Glad to hear you have so many new friends! There is always room for more friends! ;-)

Deborah said...

I'm late getting back to comment. Love your pictures! Can't wait to check out more on your other blog.

Dana said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I love meeting other moms of boys.....yours are cute!