Thursday, October 30, 2008

Owen's last soccer game

Alright, so my life has gotten away from me for the past week, and I realized it's Thursday, no, now it's Sunday. I haven't done my recipe for the week, and I haven't posted anything on my blog for a week either. So I am going to do a couple posts this weekend, but since this one is about Owen, I want him to have his own post and not combine it with anything else.

Owen started playing soccer for the YMCA here in September. Last Thursday we had his last game, and then they got trophies. It is so cute to see these 6 & 7 year old boys running around all together trying to kick the ball, and get it into the goal. Their fields are small too. The fields we played on were in the outfield of a baseball diamond. There were 3 small soccer fields in this one baseball outfield. It was cute. Anyway, Owen had so much fun playing, he can't wait to do it again next year. He was on the black team And he has said when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, "I want to be a pro soccer player".

I think that is cute. I hope he does what he wants, and is good at it too. If you get to do what you love, it doesn't seem like a job.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the night, and the trophy is at the bottom.

Brayden, Stuart, Austin, Beau, Owen, & Nathan

Brandon wasn't there for the picture.

2008 YMCA Soccer Team Black

Thoamsville, GA

Coach Hopper said a little something about each player before he gave them their trophy. About Owen he said, "This player was the MVP. He would always kick the ball out of bounds the other team would try to score. His name is Owen Watson."

I thought that was really cool that Owen got to be considered the team MVP. He did most of the time when he was near the ball and the other team was trying to score a goal, he would kick the ball out of bounds so that they couldn't get any more points.

MVP Owen Riley Watson

Owen kicking the ball toward the goal. GGGGOOOOO BBBLLLAAACCCKKK!!!!

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