Monday, August 4, 2008


It is the first day of school today! YEAH!!! I am excited for the boys to have something to do, other than mope around the house saying their bored, or fighting; and this morning they said they were excited too. Chandler is at the same school again for one more year, Cross Creek (3rd and 4th grades), but Owen was at a new school this year for first grade (Garrison-Pilcher 1st & 2nd).
I think it is strange to change schools every two years till middle school. Pre-k &K, 1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th, then I think it's 5th-8th is middle school, and 9th-12 is high school. But I guess when you have 900 students in 2 grades at Chandler's school, that is a lot for just 2 grades. And that is the county schools, there are city schools too.
This is Chandler in his new Shelby Ford Mustang shirt and shorts, oh and new shoes. That I thought were a different style than the ones he has been wearing, but when we were getting things ready last night, he brought me the shoes he's been wearing and his new ones are exactly the same, just new and white. Ooops. :) Man, I really thought I was buying different ones. Oh well, since they are the same that means he would like them, thank goodness.

Here is Owen in his new school outfit. It is a soccer shirt and matching shorts, and his new shoes too. I totally lucked out this year. I didn't think they were going to have a tax free weekend because I hadn't heard about one, but there was a store that was going out of business (Goody's), and some places that had really good sales (The Children's Place & PayLess Shoes) so I got some really good deals on their clothes. And I didn't buy much because they can still wear most of what they have been but I wanted them to have a few new things to wear the first few days of school. Here are Chandler and Owen (and Hayden's head) walking down our driveway to the bus stop which is down the road. Hayden wanted to go to school too, so bad! He was mad because he doesn't have a pack pack, and I wouldn't let him get on the bus. He stood in the road and said he wasn't coming home because I wouldn't let him go to school! It is so sad that he has to wait one more year. He asked all day long, even just after we walked in the door from walking them to the bus, "Where's Channer Owen?" And I told him several times today that they were at school. So then he would proceed to tell me he needed to get his pack pack and go to school too. It made me want to cry. He is so cute, but he wants to be where the other boys are too. Here is all three waiting as the bus drives up to the stop. Owen had to get on first because he is now the last stop and so he has to sit next to the window, and Chandler gets to sit on the aisle. Chandler said when he got home that he was the first person to get on the bus after school. He thought that was so cool. I asked him where he chose to sit, and he said the 6th seat with his friend Ben. It is funny he doesn't say in the front, middle, or back, but it was the 6th seat. I love him, he is so funny and cute too. The buses pick up the kids from all the schools before they come home. So there are kids from 5 different schools on the bus.

Both Chandler and Owen came home and said they had a good first day at school. I was happy for them to go back to school, so there was less fighting, but it has been nice to have them home, it gives me someone else to talk to other than 6 kids that are 8 months to 3 years.

SCHOOL YEAR 2008-09 is now in progress!!!

1 comment:

Linda and Dave Browne said...

Cute pictures! It seems like just yesterday that I sent my kids off to school. Gosh--enjoy these days, they are going to fly right by!!!