Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Homemade Egg Rolls

OK, I've been wanting to post this recipe since I made them with the boys on Monday night. But I made myself wait till Wonderful Recipe Wednesday, and now I am almost forgetting as the day is almost over.

It's been a full day for me. Day care kids today like any other M-F, pick up Channy Man from Scouts, a visit to the attorney's office, go back home, clean up from day care kids, dinner (ordered pizza, forgot to take anything out), chasing HD in front yard while Owenator plays with friends, getting them home again, eat dinner, chores, bath time, 5 minutes outside to read my book in the BEAUTIFUL, breezy, 75 degree weather, many things to do, not enough time to do them.
Ok, on to the recipe. My as my boys say, "AWESOME EGG ROLLS"!

Ingredient list:
1 lb ground beef
1 pkg coleslaw mix without dressing (I take the easy way)
1 pkg egg roll wrappers (in refrigerated produce section, photo below)
soy sauce
white or fried rice
water to seal wrappers closed
Oil for frying-fryer or in pan, (make sure you have enough to cover the egg roll)

1. Brown ground beef, pour off grease. Add slaw mix and add soy sauce to your liking (soy sauce helps to steam the cabbage). Saute beef, cabbage, soy sauce until cabbage if tender, use a lid to get it started. Remove from heat.
2. Let cool for a few minutes while you get wrappers and water out and ready, if you make them while the mixture is too hot, the wrappers will rip, and not fry well.
3. Lay a wrapper in front of you not square, turn it like a diamond. Wet the edges of the wrapper with the water and your finger. The water seals the wrapper shut.
4. Put a tablespoon or so of the mixture onto the wrapper.
5. Start to roll wrapper by folding the bottom flap up.
6. Fold over the left flap.
7. Fold over the right flaps.
8. Roll the rest of the way up, try to have the least amount of air in the egg roll as possible, make it tight, but not tight enough to rip it.
9. Then make sure the ends of each egg roll are sealed, if needed fold and seal with water.
10. Let rolls stand for a minute or two while you get the oil heated up, they fry better the drier that they are.
11. Fry in oil for a few minutes until golden brown, drain on paper towels, serve hot.
I like to make a double batch and freeze the second batch. They heat up well in the toaster oven, microwave makes them soggy, but still good. And I usually pair them with white rice or fried rice.
Here are the picture directions if you are more of a visual or hands-on person like me. If I see it done, or can do it while learning that is better for me. The number correspond to the directions listed above 7.

I hoe you enjoy them as much as we do. Let me know what you think. YUMMM!!!




"The Queen in Residence" said...

Can you just send me some. I wanted to lick the scream they looked so good and I am so hungry for something that I did not have to make.

I wanted to thank you for stopping by on the layover at BATW. It has been so fun meeting so many great bloggers.

Linda and Dave Browne said...

You are a phenomenal cook! What wonderful recipes.As soon as life gets back to something close to "normal" I will definitely be trying these out.

I hope you had a wonderful "get-away" weekend!

We sure love you and appreciate you. You are an amazing woman (your energy alone amazes me!). I know the Lord has special things in store for you. :-)

Thanks for everything you do!!!(especially all the extra things you do for us!)

Kim Heinecke said...

Oh wow! These look wonderful! I am definitely going to try them and maybe some variations of filling too!

THanks for visiting Plunderful Life! I added you to the blogroll today.

Blessings on your day!

Ronnell said...

These things are amazing. I miss them since starting Weight Watchers. I will have to save up some points one of these weeks and make some. They are soooooo good!!

Love ya,