Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tagged by Jenn!

Alright, I've been tagged by my friend Jenn, and I have a few minutes before the daycare kids get here so let's see how much I can think this morning.

10 Years ago:
1. I was 22.
2. I was happily pregnant with baby #1.
3. I was the Assistant to the Sales Director at a Hotel Bed and Breakfast.
4. I was driving a Dodge Neon
5. I was sad to be 1500 miles from my parents.

5 things on my "to do" list:
1. Go back to college and FINISH!
2. Sing in a choir other than my own (tonight this will come true. I've been asked to join an Institute choir in Tallahassee).
3. Be Content
4. Play more with my children
5. Finish Painting the rooms in my house.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. ice cream
2. dark chocolate covered soy nuts, my new favorite
3. Crunchie bars (Canadian candybar-seafoam)
5. 100 calorie packs-those are a great invention

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay my tithing, that comes first no matter what!
2. Pay off my house.
3. Move somewhere I want to live (near beach and mountains, with 4 distinct seasons- winter snows, warm springs, nice summers, and leaf changing falls)
4. Put money back for my boys college, pay for mine.
5. Not get greedy, live simply.

5 places I've lived: (I've actually lived in 14 in the last 11 so I'll put the ones I liked the best)
1. Salt Lake City, UT
2. Bountiful, UT
3. Houston, TX
4. El Paso, TX
5. Currently Thomasville, GA (Do you think I like BIG cities, but small town life is growing on me. Only a little, I still love big city life) YES!!!!

5 jobs I've had:
1. Mom, the best one yet.
2. Wal-mart Overnight stalker
3. McDonald's employee
4. Shift supervisor at Kirkland's
5. Newspaper delivery (3 times in different cities)

I tag:
1. Camille
2. Nate and Kendra
3. Lisa
4. Debbie-Your Diet Coke and Lemon are waiting for you. :)
5. All my new Bloggy friends, (ok, so that's more than 5, but it would be fun for all of them to participate too) ;)

Also, anyone else who visits my blog and wants to join the fun, let's see how many we can tag!!!


taratoons said...

Hi Amy Kay -
Thanks for stopping by via BATW. It has been so much fun to get all the visitors! I hope you have a terrific day!

katylinvw said...

hey lady! there's a blog awardwaiting for you at my place :)

Debbie said...

HI Amy Kay! I am just getting around to answering questions and comments. I am really bad about playing these games, but I am going to do this one for two reasons: 1. You worked at Kirkland's and I LOVE Kirklands. and 2. You offered me diet coke and lemon. You rock. I will get this up in the next few days. ;)